Fire Extinguishers & Tubular Stand, Signs & Clips Combo
Fire Extinguishers & Tubular Stand, Signs & Clips Combo
Fire Extinguishers & Tubular Stand, Signs & Clips Combo
Fire Extinguishers & Tubular Stand, Signs & Clips Combo
Fire Extinguishers & Tubular Stand, Signs & Clips Combo

Fire Extinguishers & Tubular Stand, Signs & Clips Combo

Product code: CS31WSEX6CO2EIDS
6 Litre Water Fire Extinguisher, 2 Kg Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher, Double Tubular Stand (Red), Water Identity Sign, Carbon Dioxide Identity Sign, Screw On Clips for Secure Identity Sign Fixing + Fitted Brackets + Local Commission To Service & Certificate - Call 0800 999 8595.


A combination of our quality;

6 Ltr Water Fire Extinguisher
2 Kg Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Steel Tubular Double Red Stand
Water Identity Signage
Carbon Dioxide Identity Signage
Specialist Stand Identity Signage Clips (Supplied)
Water Fire Extinguisher Bracket (Supplied Fitted)*
Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Bracket (Supplied Fitted)*

*Unlike many other suppliers, we take the hassle out of bracket fixing.
We personally fit each bracket for you in the correct location.
Saving you valuable time. Full compliance to the RRFSO 2005.

Our package is ideal for ANY workplace environment.
Our stand is compact and aesthetically eye pleasing.
Our stand takes up less space than most conventional stands.
Our stand is made of steel, so it is incredibly durable.
Our stand needs little attention (cleaning) - as opposed to other stands.

Metal stands are the modern & low key solution to fire extinguisher
mounting. Available in red or chrome, in both single & double variants.
Our stands compliment ANY contemporary or image conscious setting.

Technical specifications

Product Code CS31WSEX6CO2EIDS

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